And again a documentary with some music of LYRIC ECHOES!
directed by Christian Labhart and Heidi Schmid this new documentary is about refugees and their situation in Switzerland. Alltough our country is so rich, the refugees are not treated with respect and generousity and too many people just gaze away - but not this documentary!
Here's the TRAILER for more information
and here's the full movie:
April, 2022
And again a documentary with some music of LYRIC ECHOES!
directed by MARTINA EGI
This new documentary is about all facets around tattoos.
Almost every second young person in Switzerland has a tattoo. Tattoo studios and laser removal practices are booming. "SRF DOK" delves into the tattoo scene, tells stories that get under the skin and also shows the painful dark sides.
Here's the full movie: Tattoo - für immer und fast ewig
May, 2023

Another documentary with some music of LYRIC ECHOES!!!
ZUCKER - DIE SÜSSE DROGE (SUGAR - THE SWEET DRUG) Directed by Martina Egi. It is about a "drug" we all consume regularely - sugar! OK, this is confusing - it's not about heroin but the sweetening agent sugar. This documentary reveals the implication of sugar-consumption.
Please enjoy this documentary on Swiss Television SRF, thursday, January 14th 2021. Here's the linkt to this documentary - have fun!
I'm very happy and really grateful that my music has just found once more its way into another documentary. This one is called Kämpfen für Olympia (Struggle for Olympia). It is about the world champion in single scull, Jeannine Gmelin.
This Film is directed by Christian Labhart and Heidi Schmid. I’m very pleased to find my music in a documentary of Christian Labhart. I am a great fan of his film Passion and I can only recommend to explore his work.
You can watch Kämpfen für Olympia (Struggle for Olympia) on TV! It will be braodcasted on June 25th, 8.05 PM on SRF 1
I am pleased to announce that the documentary Die Zeit läuft für uns (The Time Is Right For Us) is containing my song settle (see the music section). The documentary directed by Stanko Pavlica is about Markus Huser. He was an outstanding activist who fought for the emancipation and autonomy of deaf people.
He himself was deaf and his fight gives proof of an incredible intelligent, visionary and even revolutionary man who bravly and imperturbably dedicated all of his energy and multiple talents for the cause of deaf people until his early and tragic death.
I can only recommend to watch this subtle and touching documentary! For good reason it has been selected by switzerlands most significant film festival (Solothurner Filmtage).
All my thanks and best wishes to ATL Videofactory - especially Risa Chiappori for including a peace of my music into this remarkable documentary!
Meeting Stanko Pavlica (Director)
at the film festival in Solothurn - Feb. 2020
I just finished the sountrack for a documentary called "Bodenlos" which means bottomless". It is about the misery of swiss farmers. It will be braodcasted on thursday, May 11th, 20.05 on SRF 1.
and on tuesday, September 12th, on 3SAT.
Further Information about this documentary you will finde here!
This is another documentary directed by Martina Egi. She has realized quite a many of different kind of documentaries. Probably the best known is "Barefoot to Timbuktu"
I want to thank Martina Egi and the filmproduction-company Mesh & Ugge AG very much for their interest for my Music and the great cooperation!